Pagiku cerahku
Matahari bersinar
Kugedong tas merahku di pundak
Selamat pagi semua kunantikan dirimu
Didepan kelasku menantikan kamu
Guruku tersayang
Guru tercinta
Tanpamu apa jadinya aku
Tak bisa baca tulis menegrti banyak hal
Guruku terima kasihku
Nakalnya diriku kadang buatmu marah
Namun segala maaf kau berikan
That's a lyric from a song
Kereeeen :p
but back to the point of this posting ..
Knowledge, smile, laugh even punishment and cry
Because we realize
Without punishment and tears from you, we will not find what is the really life :)
Teachers is the best job in the world
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